



Resonate Psychology and Psychotherapy Services

Resonate (verb)

1. To continue to produce a loud clear deep sound for a long time

2. To have particular meaning or importance for someone. To affect or appeal to someone in a personal or emotional way

3. Evoke images, memories or emotions

4. To relate harmoniously



I have been working within the field of psychology and therapy for over a decade. I have supported and treated people with a range of issues including; people wishing to understand themselves more fully and find meaning for a more fulfilling life, to people experiencing anxiety and depression and other mental health issues, and people who have challenges overcoming drug, alcohol and other addictions.

I have worked both within the government and non-government sectors and in tertiary and educational settings helping people across the lifespan, from infancy to adulthood.

Professional endorsement and affiliation

I hold General Registration as a Psychologist and Clinical Endorsement as a Clinical Psychologst with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). In addition, I am a recognised Clinical Supervisor with AHPRA.

I am recognised and registered with Medicare Australia to offer Clinical Psychological Services.

I am a full member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

I am past Convenor of the APS Psychoanalytically-Oriented Psychologist Interest Group (POPIG) Queensland.

Special interest areas

I am passionate about helping people feel a greater sense of cohesion within themselves and experience more satisfying interpersonal relationships. I believe that psychodynamically-informed psychotherapy is able to assist in achieving this.

I also have a particular passion in supporting parents in the postnatal period (e.g. postnatal anxiety and depression) and focusing on the parent-infant attachment relationship.